By Dreamguy2008
United Kingdom
What is wrong with these leaves/this bush and what can I do about it?
- 15 Nov, 2016
It's difficult to give a diagnosis from merely a picture. Many factors/conditions must be examined to find out what is going on here.
15 Nov, 2016
Has this been cut back - it looks as though it was taller originally. Was this happening to the leaves before autumn set in? Do you know what the plant is?
Just noticed the better pic on the duplicate question but couldn't delete this reply.
15 Nov, 2016
Steragram - the other two pics are not of this plant ..... but on close inspection, I'm wondering if its meant to be a rose that's been hacked back, although its hard to say for sure...
15 Nov, 2016
Thank you, Bathgate, Steragram and Bamboo.
This picture is of a rose bush. I wondered if this is a similar to that portrayed in the other picture (definitely pear rust), but it is black, not orange, and a lighter texture.
17 Nov, 2016
As its a rose, any leaves that look like this are likely to fall off anyway, but to be honest, the problem could be purely cultural - the rose appears to be growing in a poorly cultivated area, presumably without regular feeding. Roses are high maintenance - they are prone to black spot, mildew, sometimes rust, and aphid infestation, so for really good roses, you need to prune correctly at the right time according to the variety, and to feed with a specialist rose food such as Toprose in April and again six weeks later, and spray every fortnight or so with something like Roseclear Ultra from May up until September. They also appreciate a mulch of composted manure or good garden compost, applied in mid to late April/early May, when the soil is still moist from winter. Clear away any leaves that fall, in case there is a fungal infection like rust or black spot, which will overwinter on fallen leaves.
17 Nov, 2016
Wouldn't rose bushes be going dormant in most of the UK, about now, anyway? Maybe it is just losing its leaves naturally.
17 Nov, 2016
Possible - but the roses still have some bloom and still have most of their leaves here in the south of the UK, so unless Dreamguy lives in a much colder region (like Scotland), that might not be the entire explanation.
17 Nov, 2016
Sorry! I keep forgetting the range of climate in the UK. Not as wild as the differences in elevation in Arizona, but like the difference between Anchorage, Alaska, and Portland, Oregon, here in the States.
18 Nov, 2016
The worst thing these days is the variability of weather - we've always had changeable weather, but now we've even less idea what will be happening from one week to the next - the calendar months are, now, only a rough guide! Last 'winter' and the one before wasn't - they were like an extended autumn,with daffodils in flower early December instead of February onwards, and some apple trees flowering in November...
18 Nov, 2016
Previous question
« What is wrong with these leaves/this tree and what can I do about it?
Bit more info please - I can't see a bush or plant as such, I can only see a single leaf and some blades of what looks like couch grass...
15 Nov, 2016