Hi,I put this plant outside over the summer months where it seemed to flourish
By Rob75
United Kingdom
I put this plant outside over the summer months where it seemed to flourish. Since the weather turned a little colder I thought I should bring it in. As you can see though it looks a little worse for wear. The leaves used to be a dark green and shiny in texture but they're now looking dis-coloured and dry.
What's the best course of action if I want to recover this plant. I can't remember the name of the plant but I think it may have the word "Japanese" in the title.
Thank you in advance.

12 Dec, 2016
hi Tugbrethill - yes we had a frost. I checked some images of the Kalanchoe and I think you're identification is correct. When I purchased it a few years ago it would flower once in awhile but hasn't done for a a number of years now which was why I tried it outdoors...
12 Dec, 2016
Drat! More intense light helps it to bloom, but it also needs short days and long nights to form flower buds--much like poinsettias. It was probably only a month or two from blooming when it froze. It looks like it is possible that some portions are still alive. You might be able get it to sprout again, with moderate warmth, good light, and a light feeding, but it will probably be early spring of 2018 before it blooms again.
12 Dec, 2016
So I should keep it in a warm bright location indoor now then I guess. Should I prune it or just let it be?
12 Dec, 2016
I would prune it after it has had a chance to produce a a little new growth, so I could tell what was still healthy enough.
13 Dec, 2016
I agree with Tugbrethil. It just needs a little love like Charlie Brown's Christmas tree.
13 Dec, 2016
It looks like a Kalanchoe of some sort, judging by the succulent, crenulated leaves. Did your area experience a severe frost, recently?
12 Dec, 2016