what can i spray my damson tree with it had leaf curl last year and i lost nearly all my fruit. most years i have a bucket full. it is only a small tree and usually produces a large crop .
1 Feb, 2017
A winter wash spray would be good, but there are two possible causes, so further treatment during the growing season may also be necessary, see link here https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?PID=681
1 Feb, 2017
Depends on what caused the leaves to curl. There is an aphid which chews into the leaf veins on Prunus and makes the leaf curl over to provide protection from bird etc.
We are about to spray all our fruit trees with a Winter wash. This is based on natural saponins and is supposed to kill of the eggs and over wintering forms of various pests. Certainly when we have not been able to spray there are a lot more nasties around. Needs a wind free day and they are as rare as hens teeth in this garden.
1 Feb, 2017