By Waltonr
United Kingdom
I have wild rabbits, I want to create a large 10m x 10m vegetable patch. What is the best way to protect my vegie patch, how tall would a wire fence need to be ? or is there a repellent that works ?
9 Feb, 2017
Consider a pet dog. Let your dog mark his territory, the rabbits will run for the hills.
10 Feb, 2017
I used Reynardin on bits of rag under the hut to stop the rain leaching it. Dont know if its still on the market.
(Another reason for voting ' OUT' )
There may be a similar product available. Best to use disposable gloves, as if you get it on your hands you may not be so welcome in the boudoir !
Our allotment steward used to call it 'Foxes piddle.'
10 Feb, 2017
a pet dog wont deter them, one of my brothers has 2 dogs and on a night the rabbits still come in and the dogs bark and go berserk! Don't envy his neighbours and thankfully he is 120 miles away :o)
10 Feb, 2017
The only rabbits my brother finds are dead ones with their necks broke. He has an English Boxer. They don't bark too much only break a rabbit's neck real good.
11 Feb, 2017
I do too and they eat just about everything boundaries are too uneven (hilly and boulders etc) to be able to dig down have a dog but they ignore her until she gets up close, they have even dug into my poly tunnel if you find an answer let me know!
19 Feb, 2017
welcome to GoY.
well the first thing is to consider the fact that they are capable of clearing a metre in a jump, well our pet ones can so I suspect the wild ones are just as capable. they also dig. So chicken wire, heavy duty stuff will keep them out but you need to bury it down to at least 12"/30cm to discourage their digging.
I'd go for wooden uprights with the wire pinned to it. then you can still see into and get plenty of light at the edges.
9 Feb, 2017