By Pathumwan
United Kingdom
Hi, I have read so many answers to this question and would like to hear yours, what is the best water for orchids Tap, Rain or Distilled and what temperature roughly.
20 Feb, 2017
I've always used tap water but we live in a, very, soft water area.
20 Feb, 2017
Same here.
20 Feb, 2017
I've used tap water and we are in hard water. they don't seem to mind.
20 Feb, 2017
My neighbour has about 20 orchids, mostly Phalaenopsis, but some other varieties as well, and he uses London tap water straight from the tap (which is full of lime) with no apparent ill effects.
20 Feb, 2017
I believe that the main problem with my tap water is the sodium content.
21 Feb, 2017
New York water comes down from the Catskill Mountains. It's very good and more highly regulated then bottled water. I let it sit for at least 24 hours before giving it to my plants so that the chlorine escapes and it comes up to room temperature. Plants hate cold water. Rain water is also very good - it contains lots of dissolved nitrogen.
21 Feb, 2017
Hi Thank you I have decided on tap water.
21 Feb, 2017
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I have preferred distilled water, partly because the tap water where I live is alkaline and high in sodium. Rain water would probably be just as good, but rainstorms here come just often enough to wash the dirt off of the roof, so the rain barrel can be kind of, well, muddy.
20 Feb, 2017