By Charnwood
Good evening all, I reseeded this patch last year and as you can see it's not been a great success some of which is due to our new kittens which have now become cats, would I be better off buying the roll out grass and if so when? Many thanks

21 Feb, 2017
I suspect the cats have a lot to answer for... That said it appears t one a small area and looks quite damp, just how big it the 'patch' and how well drained?
21 Feb, 2017
Most garden centres stock a few rolls of turf, from about March or April onwards - probably best to ring first to find out if they have any though, it often sells out quickly.
21 Feb, 2017
If that is the full size of the patch then it will be a pain to keep the grass cut and tidied. I would suggest slabbing it and putting some containers on it.
22 Feb, 2017
Or think about having a Crevice Garden ?
22 Feb, 2017
Bit small even for a crevice garden but it might work.
22 Feb, 2017
Not sure that area receives enough sun for a crevice garden, has a shady look about it, although that might not be the case. I've seen a Youtube video showing a crevice garden made from an old satellite dish, so they can be quite small.
22 Feb, 2017
Charnwood is that the total area of grass or is there more, looking at the photo I can't be sure. A crevice bed certainly needs to be in the sun if you are going to grow alpines in it.
22 Feb, 2017
If it is partial shade, grasses sold in "shady mix", such as turf-type tall fescue, or Poa trivialis, might be worth trying.
If the shade is somewhat deeper, I would edge it off as a bed, and maybe plant dwarf Hostas, hardy Cyclamen, or such like.
22 Feb, 2017
The rocks on a properly made Crevice Garden are installed on one edge, vertically. So there would be ample room.
Google for photos....'How to plant up a Crevice Garden' which shows a small one surrounded by railway sleepers
and gives the size.
I placed mine on the flat side, like a rockery.
Have to give the matter some thought when the weather warms up again. Also need to get some more rocks and pea gravel to support the plants in the crevices.
22 Feb, 2017
If that's the size of all of it I would plant a rhubarb crown and make the space work for its living! You'd get no cats and no weeds.
Or for a completely trouble free attractive ground cover with spring flowers try Epimediums. (If it is in fact shady for at least half the day) Many varieties but for ease and beauty i like any of the yellow flowered ones that have gorgeous red variegated new leaves in early spring. All you have to do is cut off last year's leaves just before the flowers grow and the rest of the year its just shiny green leaves. Much easier than grass and no access to bare soil for cats. You'd need several plants to start with -they do slowly spread. if its sunny tell us as there's a wide range of trouble free ground cover plants.
22 Feb, 2017
Many thanks for all your replies, yes that is the full size, there was a raised pond which we took out and this is what's left, it is quite shady most of the day and I do blame the cats much as we love them,as I caught them scraping at it and then I couldn't get the new grass to take properly . Some very good suggestions I will try plants for shade and keeping the CATS off and will put some photo's up later in the season ??
22 Feb, 2017
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You should first find out why reseeding was unsuccessful. Lack of sufficient sun, water, poor drainage? Are the seeds being eaten by birds? vermin? It seems to be growing is spots. Did the seeds wash away? mold? Another application would suffer the same fate.
21 Feb, 2017