By Taurman
Hi all, a little emergency advice, I've potted dahlia tuners some I'd saved from last year and some bought hoping to start them before planting out. There in a cold frame, weather miserable and have read they should be in warm soil to start, should I raise them or try to get them into heat and light of the home? Thanks in advance.
26 Feb, 2017
Thanks you Gn g. They have been frost free and were well treated over winter. Its as sunny as can expected for time of year but my neighbour who has solar panels and tells me its sunnier than I might realise.
26 Feb, 2017
If dry, give just the one soak and wait and see what happens dont over water them just enough to let the tubers take on water.
Lots of tubers in the garden centers..... good time to buy some new ones just in case..
26 Feb, 2017
that reminds me to bring mine out of the shed and pot them up to get them going. I'll keep mine in the unheated greenhouse until they are well on the way. cold and wet are the bad combo for them.
26 Feb, 2017
Have you kept them frost free over the winter which is very important otherwise they will end up rotting.
Mine are all doing nothing at the moment and last week I have watered all the pots just to get them going as I am taking cuttings from them early March , but like you its too cold at the moment , keep a eye out for slugs and snails.... they will soon sprout , is the cold frame in a sunny spot ?
26 Feb, 2017