By Buffin
United Kingdom
which way up to plant cyclamen coum corms? I've looked carefully but seen no suitable answers that make it clear.
Thank you for your answers/suggestions. Most helpful and hope to report progress in due course.
28 Feb, 2017
They should be growing at this time of year in any case. If they are not then they are not likely to be alive.
28 Feb, 2017
The lower surface is more saucer shaped whilst the top of the corm has a slight depression. but the advice from Gg is sound.
C coum should be starting to flower now, how long have you had the corms?
welcome to GoY too
28 Feb, 2017
Owlboggy , you can still buy them at this time of year
thompson & morgan , J parkers , depends how they have been stored (cold storage) , but if buying from a garden center I would keep clear if they have been hanging in those plastic bags drying out since last Autumn.
28 Feb, 2017
Our first Cyclamen coum came into flower in the garden on New Years Day and all are in full display now. If your corms are are not in growth, Buffin, then I am afraid that you have difficulties. They may not be dead but will be very poorly. I would not put them in a plastic bag in the airing cupboard but in a pot in the greenhouse. If there is no sign of any hairy roots remaining then the most domed part is likely to be the top. Just push the corms halfway into the compost and give them good light but not direct sunlight (through the glass). If nothing has happened come April, say, then put the pot outdoors under a shrub to keep excessive rainfall off it and hope that something may happen next January.
28 Feb, 2017
Previous question
put in a plastic bag with some moist compost and seal them put in the airing cupboard and wait for roots and new growth to appear , soon tell which way is up and wont do the corm no harm, then plant them .....
28 Feb, 2017