By Donnaj1dlh
I have a Haworthia (succulent) I bought in Dobbies ... very pretty wee thing in a glass vase all decorated with different coloured sands, I'm sure you can picture the kind of thing....
It sits very happily in my downstairs hall in the shade and I only spray it lightly with a water spray (whenever I remember to do it!).
I think my housesitter may have watered it whilst I was on holiday - my fault for asking her to water my plants - and now I see the leaves seem to have rotted around the base and are just pulling off.
Is it ruined? I can't really take it out of the vase as it'll disturb all the sand round about it.
Should I pull off the rotten leaves and hope that'll grow back?
13 Aug, 2010
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Donna, I would see if the main part of the plant will pull off of the rotten part, and still have enough of the main stem to re-root and recover. Pull and rub off anything black and mushy, and dust it all liberally with cinnamon to disinfect--sulfur dust works even better, but is usually sold in big cans! Let it dry for a few days, and then repot in a clean container, with a gritty potting compost, such as for alpines. Get a little plastic cactus from the craft store to dress up the sand bottle--there's no point in trying to grow anything in a vase with no drainage.
13 Aug, 2010