By Gere
United Kingdom
My lawn is very wet clay and covered with very large amounts of worm casts, which when walked on go to saucer sized patches of mud. Would sprinkling sand over the lawn help or any other advice please?
- 6 Mar, 2017
If at any point you spike the lawn some people pour sharp sand into the fork holes to try to lighten the soil a bit.- never tried it so can't say how effective it is. A big job if its a large lawn though.
7 Mar, 2017
Not really. Worm casts an be excessive on heavy soils at this time of year, but as spring wears on and the lawn starts to dry out, the problem will disappear. If its any comfort, all that worm activity is very good for both the soil and the lawn, aerating it and increasing fertility. To be honest, wet or waterlogged lawns on heavy clay soil are best not walked on unless absolutely essential until they've dried out a bit.
6 Mar, 2017