By Bigbb
United Kingdom
It is our Ruby wedding soon and I would like to by my wife a ruby red plant for the garden or in a pot on the patio that will be hardy but give a vibrant colour.
With it being special, price is no problem
6 Mar, 2017
There are several good red roses and I suspect Ruby wedding will be among them. Dahlias come in a spectacular range of reds too and looked after in winter will come again for years to come. Same with tulips for spring.
6 Mar, 2017
There are red-leafed forms of Penstemon and Lobelia, too. If you have room for it, some of the red-leafed Smoke Trees (Cotinus) are pretty spectacular, too. For the veggie garden: Bull's Blood beet, and Red Bor kale.
6 Mar, 2017
Our children bought us a camellia called ruby wedding for our anniversary. It Has done better in the ground than a pot .
6 Mar, 2017
If you fancy something bigger how about Diablo Lady in Red?
7 Mar, 2017
Magical Ruby Red Hydrangea is breathtaking & leaves turn a bright burgundy red in the fall. There is also Magical Ruby Tuesday Hydrangea - that's breathtaking too.
6 Mar, 2017