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Essex, United Kingdom

Close up photos of two plants that are exactly the same
( name unknown). One is ok, but the other appears to be dead for some reason??



Sure is! Were you asking if its dead or why it died?

14 Mar, 2017


Hi stera, probly both. Lol ?

14 Mar, 2017


Stera: Also wondered if it may come back to life?
I'm guessing not though. ?

14 Mar, 2017


Doesn't look as if it is going to revive to me, did the two plants get differing amounts of light or water?

14 Mar, 2017


Hi moon grow. No they are either side of the bird table, so both the same really. I don't know why but I seem to be having a few plants die on me lately.
My tulip bulbs in the borders have come up and opened though. ( the ones that were originally just sitting on the membrain under my gravel that I replanted into the soil ) Well most of them have, and the rest look like they are well on their way to doing so. ?

14 Mar, 2017


Glad too hear your tulips are OK at any rate -that was a narrow escape they had!

There appear to be a few little leaves left on your (box?) plant so its not quite dead yet. Have you had it out of the pots to have a look at the roots?

Are the other plants that died in pots or in the ground and if in the ground are they near each other? Are they recently planted or well established?

14 Mar, 2017


Not possible to tell what it might be, pic's too fuzzy I'm afraid. Possibly the one died because it went short of water, or it's more exposed/gets less sun in winter than the other one, but can't say for sure - knowing what plants they were might have meant a clearer answer. Did they flower at all and if so, what were they like?

14 Mar, 2017


No flowers at all bamboo.

14 Mar, 2017


Yes stera, thank goodness for small miracles on the bulb department, least that's what I say! Lol
I know the unknown dead plant is definitely not a box. Do you think I should have a look at the roots then as I haven't done that yet?
And the other plants that have died are lavender standards, they are not near to the other unknown plants, but again they are in pots. They have been established about a year and the other two unknown Ones about two years.

14 Mar, 2017


Cause of death is not necessarily the same for all your plants - the lavenders for sure have suffered from being placed somewhere that does not fit their growing requirements. Without knowing what these two are/were, its difficult to say what's happened with the dead one.

14 Mar, 2017


Just realised the other question about lavender standards was yours, so replies are on there.

14 Mar, 2017


Ockie doke stera. Thank you. ?

14 Mar, 2017


Are there cats in your area? if so, they may have sprayed that particular plant which could have killed it off. Cats love doing that and will go back time and again to the same place.

15 Mar, 2017


Hi Arbuthnot, there definitely are cats in the area.... and two of them live with me. Lol

15 Mar, 2017


Dogs are more likely to spray than cats in my experience.

15 Mar, 2017


Hi moon_grow..... I got one of those as well! Lol

15 Mar, 2017


lol so it is possible that one of the cats or the dog has sprayed...

15 Mar, 2017


Maybe moon grow but unsure on that though as have never seen it happen before, but I suppose it's a possibility. All I know for sure is the plant definetly looks dead! ?

15 Mar, 2017


I don't reckon its a cat, unless you've got a visiting stray tom - even then, it'd be the pot he sprayed up against, unless he's into acrobatics and climbed up, then sprayed downwards (which they don't, its horizontal when they do it), and you'd have smelt it anyway.

15 Mar, 2017


Ahahahaha, that's very funny bamboo. You made me laugh!?
Your probly quite right too. ?

15 Mar, 2017


No I don't think it is likely tbh there is another problem :)

15 Mar, 2017


I agree mg.
Think I definetly need to replace it anyhow, trouble is I don't know what the plant actually is. Lol. ?

15 Mar, 2017



15 Mar, 2017

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