By Marjories
United Kingdom
Has anybody grown Zinnias. I like them for their colourful flowers .
As I haven't had them before can anybody recommend a tall variety and a smaller one for pots?
26 Mar, 2017
Hi Hows you
I have grown:
Zinderella Peach if you want tall and they have "‘scabious’ type flowers in shades of salmon to light orange" well over 20 inches with this variety
Zahara Rose , white with a pinky red center I think they grew about 15 to 20 inches
have a google.
They need a hot summer to perform and no crowding out by other plants to get the best out of them ... but love hot and dry full sun area in the garden
I usually grow in individual pots (cell tray) as they hate any root disturbance so quite a lot fail if you sow them in a seed tray and then transplant ...
havnt a clue with dwarf varieties
hope that helps a little
26 Mar, 2017
Thank you very much for the useful advice that you have given me.Next question is it too late to grow them from seeds?
26 Mar, 2017
You can sow as late May / 1 st week of June outside direct in the borders , but if sowing indoors I would leave to April as hopefully its warmed up outside enough for them to flourish and wont get leggy ...
I leave all my annual sowing till April and dont have them sitting around for ages in the greenhouse / windowsill before they get planted out ... hopefully miss any late frost
26 Mar, 2017
No, it's not too late. You can either direct sow into the planting bed after April 15th, or start them indoors now if you like. The seeds will sprout in about 5 days. They grow quickly.
26 Mar, 2017
I have sowed mine today Marjorie and I use a mix colour pack. they are about 2 foot tall. I grew them a couple of years ago in the short border in front of the pond in the back garden/
26 Mar, 2017
Thanks everybody. My mission today is to go to the nursery and purchase some seeds.
I have just been reading my RHS magazine and they have a great article on the various types of Zinnia. What a coincidence !!!
27 Mar, 2017
This is the first time I'm growing them. I've read they will keep blooming straight through the summer until frost & are a magnet for butterflies.
27 Mar, 2017
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I'm growing zinnias also this year and they've already sprouted in my greenhouse. They are all looking really nice so far - strong robust seedlings. Zinnia Liliput mixed colors only grows to 18 inches and would be ideal for pots. Zinnia Elegans, grows to 3 feet (I'm growing 'Northern Lights'). These are for the back border.
26 Mar, 2017