By Farquarjack
United Kingdom
How can I remove Crocosmia tubers ?
27 Mar, 2017
You can do what other members have done with them - ship them to me. It's one of my favorite plants and the hummingbirds here are crazy about them.
27 Mar, 2017
Bit expensive from the UK Bathgate and could come up against your laws on importing plant matter...
27 Mar, 2017
They are really hard work to dig out. I had some huge old clumps in my garden when we moved here 3 years ago and they were about 18" deep with bulbs/tubers. You just have to get stuck in there and make sure you get them all out!
27 Mar, 2017
The only solution is to follow the advice given above..they need dividing or removing every three years or so anyway..a lot of mine are given to a local school and are replanted around their playing field..not by me,I might add,but a volunteer helper at the School ..good luck :o)
27 Mar, 2017
How to remove them? Be ruthless! Keep removing every shoot you see.
27 Mar, 2017
The flip answer to your question is 'with difficulty'! I have tried in the past and no matter how diligent you are when you dig them up some will always remain. I tried spraying but with limited success so you just have to keep on digging them out when you see them.
28 Mar, 2017
The only solution that I know of is to dig the tubers out and either put in your brown, recycling, bin or your wheelie bin - do not put in the compost!
27 Mar, 2017