By Nannyy1
I am filling in a small pond in my new house and need ideas of plants to fill it . I lost my dad recently and he never got to meet my 3 grandchildren arriving in the summer. I would love a main plant for my dad and 3 smaller to represent the babies. I ve seen a rose tree called grandad but not sure if it has thorns . Any ideas please as I'm new to gardening . Thanks
28 Mar, 2017
Very few roses are thorn free and if they are this is usually listed as a selling point. As this isn't mentioned in the info about this rose I think you can be pretty certain that is thorny. But if you really want it you can use it as a teaching point to educate your grandchildren to keep off the flower beds and not touch. They will only make the mistake once if they take no notice.
As you are new to gardening I just wondered if you removed the pond liner before filling it in? Its necessary to do this to prevent the area turning into a bog garden.
Its hard to recommend plants for you without knowing a bit more about the site. I would do things slowly and take some time to look round other gardens to see what you like. Decide what kind of effect you want - do you want an evergreen, flowers in spring, summer or autumn, or would you like a small shrub rather than a perennial? Is the bed in full sun of shaded part of the day?
Oops Bamboo, you beat me to it while I was editing my reply. At least we have said substantially the same thing.
28 Mar, 2017
Previous question
Where roses are concerned, the majority do have thorns, so if 'thornless' isn't mentioned, it's safe to assume there are thorns. There is a rose called Special Grandad, but it's only a patio rose, usually sold in pots for inside the house, so not sure which rose you mean otherwise - there is one called Grandpa Dickson that grows outdoors and is bigger.
More information though please - need to know where you are (area and country), how large this area is, roughly, in terms of length and width, and whether this area is in full sun, all shade or relatively shady/relatively sunny. I'm assuming you're removing any membrane or pond liner which was in place, and that you're filling in the area with topsoil - if that's not the case, please let us know what you are doing.
28 Mar, 2017