By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear, United Kingdom
Can anyone identify this plant for me please? I bought a snowball plant/bush but this is what was sent in it's place. I actually, prefer it to the snowball plant.
- 4 Apr, 2017
I thought T.jasminoides is a climber. I thought it might be V. burkwoodii.
4 Apr, 2017
Could be looking at the leaves.
4 Apr, 2017
I thought a viburnum going by the leaves but don't know which one. it is pretty. is it scented?
4 Apr, 2017
It's definitely not Trachelospermum, sorry MG! It is a Viburnum - that commonly known in some parts of the world as snowball bush is usually Viburnum opulus, but the leaves don't look right for that, although they are still not fully developed - looks more like Viburnum burkwoodii or V. plicatum 'popcorn' or even V. carcephalum from the foliage. The latter one is known as 'fragrant snowball' in the States...
4 Apr, 2017
Sorry I was a agreeing with you that it could be Viburnum looking at the leaves not pushing for Trachelospermum
4 Apr, 2017
Okay, no worries - missed your second response above!
4 Apr, 2017
Trachelospermum jasminoides, Confederate jasmine.
4 Apr, 2017