By Pisceslady
United Kingdom
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I'm looking for some advice. I received my seed potatoes (bought online) at the end of January but two days later got rushed into hospital. I am now well enough to do something with them, but having opened the box I find most of them now have long whiteish shoots. So for chitting, should I leave these? Break them off? Or is the whole lot now wasted?
6 Apr, 2017
I agree, just plant them out as you have nothing to lose by doing so. you could get some late varieties to plant too to be ceratain of getting potatoes.
glad to hear you are well enough to take up the trowel again. welcome to GoY :o)
6 Apr, 2017
Many thanks for your advice Ladies.
I will have to put them on window sills for now as I'm not quite up to sorting out the big bags that I will be planting them into. - Tummy op, not able to lift much:( - Hopefully another week or two..
Glad to know I might get some potatoes out of them!
I see Marshalls are selling seed pots at half price so may go mad & get some more too!
7 Apr, 2017
They are fine. Just plant them as you normally would and they will green up and grow just fine. They are white for lack of sun light. Once they get planted and into the sun, they will grow as normal, but sooner is better then later.
6 Apr, 2017