By Handydock
United Kingdom
Hi, can anyone advise me please on how to look after a Gardenia Jasminoides given to me, in a small pot, for Mother's Day?i
7 Apr, 2017
This plant is tender - it can be put outdoors for the summer months, once all risk of frost is past,but must be under glass (greenhouse or conservatory) to get through a winter in the UK. More info here
7 Apr, 2017
Previous question
They are the "Prima Donnas" of the garden world. Gardenias grow very well in Florida. Everybody seems to have one or two. That's the environment Gardenias like most - very warm, consistently moist & do best in a well-drained, humus-rich, acidic soil, lots of humidity, as much sun as you can give them. Avoid cold water, cold drafts & sudden temperature changes. They don't like to be moved around very much. Find a place for them to live.
7 Apr, 2017