By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I love anemones. Will I get flowers from the bulbs I plant this year? Many thanks.
15 Apr, 2017
I'd be surprised if you got flowers from A blanda as it is well into flower in the garden here in Moray...When ddi you plant the corms?
15 Apr, 2017
They are small but weren't cheap, Tugbrethil. However, I know nothing about them but love them all the same. It wasn't until I tried looking them up that I realised this might be the wrong time of year for planting and the sellers don't tell you that when they advertise. I've bought De Caen the Bride, Mr. Fokker, St. Bridget the Govenor and Blanda. The latter, given to me by a neighbour. I'm not sure if I should plant the Blanda then, Moon grower or if I should pant any of them at all. Are there any flower bulbs that you would both suggest, that would flower this summer? Thanks a million for your expert advice.
15 Apr, 2017
If you already have the corms then get on and plant them as they certainly aren't going to do anything sitting in a bag in the potting shed! Just don't be too disappointed if they don't flower until next year or, if they do flower this year, don't flower next as they establish themselves.
15 Apr, 2017
Thank you for your advice. xx
15 Apr, 2017
Gladioli should flower this summer, and so should Acidanthera
15 Apr, 2017
Um, Stera he is specifically asking bout Anemones...
15 Apr, 2017
Also "any flower bulbs...that would flower this summer.", MG. Apologies about the Anemone blanda answer, though. Here in the desert, we plant both species in fall, and I forgot that A. blanda is much hardier, and perennial in the UK. Vicki, I don't know what A. blanda bulbs planted now will do, but I suspect that waiting 'til next spring to bloom is highly probable.
Stera, MG, would Cannas, Arum Lily, Dahlias, or Begonias work if planted now or soon?
16 Apr, 2017
Welcome to goy. If you are just asking about anemones then this answer will not do but have a look at the link and see if any of the many flowering bulbs, corms, or tubers appeal.
16 Apr, 2017
MG he did say any other flower bulbs. Just thought I'd plug Acidanthera - lovely!
16 Apr, 2017
If you mean A. coronaria or A. blanda, you should, unless the bulbs are inordinately small and cheap. I recommend soaking the tubers of A. coronaria for several hours before planting, to make it easier to tell top from bottom.
15 Apr, 2017