By Benpcoleman
United States
Weed ID please! This nasty thing has straight line runners that put up tall, spindly strands in a straight line. Roots are ridiculously deep and spreading. I spent an afternoon trying to eradicate it from a bed before planting but it came back. Tried round up and it laughed at me. What is it and what do I do? (Note - the picture shows some other weeds but I'm referring to the dark green vertical strands)

19 Apr, 2017
What flower spikes, Bathgate? And do you know what it is? Looks a bit rush-like to me.
20 Apr, 2017
Landgirl just out of interest, do rushes have long "running" root systems? It does look like rush but I was hoping a member from California might know.
Ben, try looking at the top of the page on the right hand side and type Delonix1 into the Search box . When you get the results click on Delonix1's avatar and you'll see an option to send him a private message. He lives in California and might be able to suggest something.
Or try Stan510 who also lives there.
20 Apr, 2017
Landgirl: I don't know what this is but a spritz of vodka should take care of it. Do you know what that is??
20 Apr, 2017
Eh...neither vodka nor vinegar works well on anything more than young seedlings in truly warm, dry weather, Bathgate.
It does look very much like a species of Juncus, judging by the sheathes at the base of the shoots. Ben, I would think that your best defense is watering less often, though that may not help much in a rainy winter. :/
22 Apr, 2017
Cut those flower spike off before it makes more seeds. You have a fight on your hands. Try spraying it with vinegar or vodka.
20 Apr, 2017