By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
My daughter tells me that some of the flowers I'm growing are edible mainly Dahlia diablo. Is she correct? Many thanks.
20 Apr, 2017
Thanks for the info, MG.xx
20 Apr, 2017
As a further point the flowers of borage, pot marigold, nasturtium and pansies are all edible and T & M claims dahlia flowers are too... best to get a book for a proper check :)
20 Apr, 2017
Chive flowers are edible too, along with lavender and sweet violet - not sure about dahlia flowers, certainly the tubers are edible.
20 Apr, 2017
I'm not either Bamboo
20 Apr, 2017
Don't forget Pinks as well. In Tudor times they used to put the petals into wine to flavour it.
20 Apr, 2017
Primroses and cowslips used to be used for wine too.
Elderflowers make a light wine, and you can made tea and fritters with them too.
20 Apr, 2017
Daylily flowers are edible too. I've never heard of edible Dahlia flowers...but you live and learn.
20 Apr, 2017
Thanks for the comments.xx
21 Apr, 2017
....and if you don't live its too late to learn....
21 Apr, 2017
Sue, I like to read through the questions in my efford to learn more and I thank you as your last comment did make me laugh
21 Apr, 2017
Well the roots are said to be edible but not the flowers. You rely need to get a book on edible plants as there are quite a few but fr more that are not.
20 Apr, 2017