By Andyrewwad
United Kingdom
I've just bought a Ricinus Communis (Castor Bean Tree) - am I a fool??
On plant
Ricinus communis
15 Aug, 2010
Thanks Bamboo,
I already have a Fatsia in the garden.
I will probably over winter it in the greenhouse and let her go outside next year. It's only a foot tall atm, so i will wait then.
Thank you,
15 Aug, 2010
If it flowers, remove any seeds which appear - the coating of those is particularly poisonous.
15 Aug, 2010
On the other hand, they are good for mole, vole, and gopher control if cracked and scattered around--rarely kills them, just makes them find somewhere else to live. Do keep away from children and pets, though!
15 Aug, 2010
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Not if you've bought it as a houseplant and you're not going to eat it - if its outside, the winter will kill it anyway, it's grown as an annual here. Unless you've actually bought Fatsia japonica, which is hardy outside and non poisonous
15 Aug, 2010