By Rhianhall
United Kingdom
My 6 year old japanese maple has not got any leaves on it yet has it died or is there something I can do? I have 2 other 1 year old plants and they are now in full leaf
26 Apr, 2017
Hi Rhiann and welcome to GoY. I would certainly have expected to see leaf growth by now but one of ours is just, and barely coming into leaf - this is always a late one though. As Bathgate suggests gently scrape away a little of the bark with your fingernail if there is green underneath it is alive brown and it is a goner... They can suddenly turn their toes up for no apparent reason.
26 Apr, 2017
Does not sound good for your Japanese Maple. By now, it should show some evidence of growth. Are the twigs pliable or do they snap if you bend it? Scratch away the bark to see if it's green or brown underneath. If it's brown, it's dead.
26 Apr, 2017