By Keithgray
United States
where do you buy plants?
28 Apr, 2017
If you are genuinely in Florida (which is what your avatar says) then what we call garden centres are called something else in the USA. Trouble is, I can't remember what you do call them, but whatever, they're places where you can buy garden supplies, like potting soils, topsoil for outdoors use, plants and anything else garden related. Home Depot does some plants and other garden supplies, but they're not specialist plant suppliers.
In the UK, there are large commercial outlets specialising in plants and garden supplies called garden centres, and nurseries are usually smaller outlets where they may grow many of the plants themselves, and carry a wider range of plants year round, including more unusual ones. These days, though, I tend to order from nurseries or plant suppliers on line and have them delivered, because I know exactly which plant/s I want and can't find them at the local garden centres. I find suppliers simply by googling the specific Latin or botanical plant name and checking out the different sellers that come up. Not sure if the inability to source specific plants locally is the case where you are.
We do have three members from the States on here, though not from where you are, but maybe one or two of them can give you a better answer.
28 Apr, 2017
Generally, what are called garden centers in the UK are called "nurseries" or "plant nurseries" in the U.S., though those attached to the big box stores are sometimes called the garden center, in store. In the business, "retail nurseries" are where the average home gardener gets their plants, while retail nurseries and, sometimes landscapers, get their plants from "wholesale nurseries", or "growers". A few growers have a retail outlet attached to the growing grounds.
What county in Florida do you garden in, Keith? There are hundreds of growers and nurseries in the State to choose from. There should be several within an hour's drive from you.
29 Apr, 2017
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Hi Keith and welcome to GoY, garden centres, specialist nurseries, on line at plant shows... lots of ways of buying. Iss there something particular you are looking for?
28 Apr, 2017