By Andyrewwad
United Kingdom
I'm planning ahead for the winter....could anyone help me with some nice winter flowering plants?? Thanks :)
15 Aug, 2010
Early flowering Crocus, Narcissus, Snowflake, etc.
Winter Jasmine, Flowering Witch Hazel, Kerria (bright green twigs), Coral Dogwood (bright red or yellow twigs), Dwarf Blue Arborvitae (Platycladus orientalis 'Minima Glauca', turns a soft lavender in winter).
15 Aug, 2010
mahonia pyracanthas
19 Sep, 2010
Shrubs - Mahonia, Viburnum bodnantense, V. tinus, Prunus subhirtella (though that makes a tree, if you've got enough time)
Perennials ? mind's a blank at the mo
Others - ornamental cabbages, winter flowering pansies, cyclamen (my faves) especially C.coum, polyanthus flowers very early in the spring.
15 Aug, 2010