By Grahamryan
United Kingdom
I have inadvertantly sprayed my gooseberry bush with young berries with Multirose bug killer as they have aphids on.Will this mean not eating the fruit? GR
30 Apr, 2017
Many thanks. gr
30 Apr, 2017
Interested that there are young fruits already.My gooseberry flowers haven't opened yet, let alone set fruit!
1 May, 2017
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The product you mention is not recommended for use on edible plants, its intended for ornamental plants and roses. Check the leaflet, but certainly, the fungicide it contains is systemic, which means it will have got into the sap stream of the plant and may well now be present in the fruits, I'm sorry to say.
If there's a contact number for Bayer to get advice, ask them, it may be that by the time you want to crop the gooseberries, they'll be fine... but as it stands, I wouldn't eat them.
30 Apr, 2017