By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
Can our experts identify this plant for me please? I've made a right mess of things this year, I've been ill and the people I'm paying to do my few gardening jobs are either deaf or deliberately don't listen to what I'm asking of them. Thanks in advance! Does it look poorly?

7 May, 2017
I think it is a climber. Could it be a clematis?xx
8 May, 2017
Hmm...not a clematis, but I'm not sure what. I think you're right about it being a climber, though. The closest that I have found so far is Black-Eyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia alata), but I'm still looking.
8 May, 2017
Thanks for your help, Tugbrethil. I hope it grows quickly so I can see what it is.
9 May, 2017
I'm curious myself. It does look a little droopy, but some plants are naturally that way, especially as seedlings.
7 May, 2017