By Dianebulley
United Kingdom
Can anyone advise on which weed control fabrics will stand up to 6 months winter weather ? Is it the same stuff in different widths at different prices ? If I buy a length to use over the summer to help my disability problem, can I put another length of a different type on top for the winter ?
Will get the pegs.
10 May, 2017
I find them to be a waste of money and they look awful.
10 May, 2017
Snag with any weed suppressant membrane is you get a build up of leaf litter etc. on top of the membrane and then the weeds start to grow in this. I think you'd be better off planting a ground cover plant that is robust and letting that keep the weeds down for you.
10 May, 2017
Thank you Loosestrife, Bathgate and Moongrower.
Think now I will plan to put the membrane down in October
and remove it in April 2018.
In the meantime, carry on hoeing the area to keep it clean.
I have this problem that I cannot balance without holding onto something, Rollator or fence usually.
I left it clean last November, the Couch Grass is 3 feet high now. I used to work all winter on the allotment, cant stand the cold now in my 90th year. Jobbing gardeners are no good in this area. Am into music. Learning to play violin.
10 May, 2017
90th year - that's the spirit Diane!
10 May, 2017
I think Mg gave some good advice. A ground cover plant is an excellent weed suppressor, something like creeping phlox. An inch or so of pea gravel on top looks beautiful, suppresses weeds & contains moisture; slate chips, wood chips,
10 May, 2017
How much of an area are you talking about SBG? If large or small the weeds might smother out your ground cover before you can say BOO! Any other type of ground cover mentioned will need muscle to lay down. Have you considered spraying a weed killer which is a faster method and is easy to handle?
11 May, 2017
SBG didn't ask this question Diane did
11 May, 2017
Thank you for the correction:)
11 May, 2017
I only use weedkiller in spaces I cant reach.
Had a look in the GC this a.m. for weed suppressants but couldnt see much with this label on.
Found a super heavy duty scrubbing brush on the end of a 4 foot stayle(sp ?) pole, thrilled to bits with this. Already
had a sharp cutter on a pole to cut out weeds and over winter moss from the cracks in paving slabs.
Now I can give them a good dry scrub and keep the path
weed free without using chemicals.
Came home happy. Only £7.
11 May, 2017
Great Diane!
11 May, 2017
Well done Diane. If I reach ninety I hope I can be as full of life as you are. I'm not sure if you want to lay this membrane in your garden or on your allotment. If you have a small area to cover, several layers of newspaper will work well. It needs to be anchored with some soil or compost. If you are talking about a large area (room size or more) then try and source some old carpet. I found one carpet firm who fitted customers carpets was willing to give me the ones they lifted. They were very good about making sure they were safe to handle. They also said I could rake through their skip for large pieces of offcuts discarded during the laying process. The carpet should be able to be rolled back if this is going to be on a veg plot. Having had experience of membrane in one part of my garden I would never recommend its use to anyone. How are you coping with your violin lessons?
13 May, 2017
Thank you for the tip about old carpet SG. My son can get me some for free. Thats next winter taken care of !
I enjoy the Violin lessons, find one ten minute teacher session every 2 weeks is fine. ISM Music only charge £12 for every two lessons, so they really encourage people to go along and enjoy learning. There are over 200 on drums, I never knew drummers had their own music before. There are 10 practice rooms all silenced. I am in the shop window as I cant get up the stairs with my walking aid. I am the only one who makes a noise !
I have to use the same fingers on each of the 4 strings to get different notes - which is fine on one string.
When the authors of the books started playing games using the same fingers and moving among different strings I really have to think hard. The secret is 2 or 3 practice sessions every day for the 2 weeks.
The long term memory loss problem is solved by using my brain in this way, its well worth doing. The short term memory loss still with me. (Going into a room to fetch something, cant remember what it is.)
18 May, 2017
Sons can be so helpful so I am pleased to hear you have solved your problem. I played violin when I was at school, after school classes shared with a friend were made more exciting because the teacher had just bought a TV. We were allowed to sit with her mum and watch 'The Magic Roundabout'. We were never late for our lesson lol. The teacher had several orchestras and every Christmas all of them played Handel's Messiah in aid of the Orphanage in Aberlour. I wanted to play the bass drum in the new Ladies Pipe Band but mum vetoed that as I was only 12. Most of the girls were at least 15. The violin lessons were supposed to be a better alternative. I am delighted you are finding your lessons so enjoyable.
22 May, 2017
This question involves material specifications which is best answered by the manufacturer(s). Go to the GC, get the name and phone number of the company off of the label on the roll of membrane and give them a call. My experience is that after a few years weeds will grow on top of the membrane and if it is permeable their roots will grow thought it essentially tacking the membrane to the ground making its removal quite difficult.
10 May, 2017