United Kingdom
Ive bought some Salvia microphylla 'Trewithen Cerise' from sarah raven. They are very leggy and not upright but floppy. Should I cut them back to encourage stronger growth?

15 May, 2017
Well, these plants are quite floppy, tending to sprawl about a bit, but yea, they do look a bit floppier than they should be, probably been kept in a windless greenhouse or something, they need a bit of air movement as they're growing to strengthen the stems.I'd chop 'em back by half at least,but then I'm a bit gung ho when it comes to plants! It won't kill them to cut them back though, but they will need time to regrow.
15 May, 2017
Oh, posted at the same time Derek! You could return them, or just cut 'em back, depends if you think you;ll find better ones elsewhere.
15 May, 2017
Thankyou. i haven't got the energy to send them back, Derekm, although I think i probably should. I expect these internet companies know that some folk will accept even straggly plants. Bit disappointing, given that Ms Raven claims to have won all kinds of awards and is a bit pricey.
I'll do as you suggest Bamboo and give 'em a good chop.
15 May, 2017
I'd do the same. Most of my purchases from S R have been ok, but occasionally you get a parcel that makes you think they are having a laugh! I did complain once and got a full refund though. But as you takes more energy than its worth sometimes.
15 May, 2017
Same here cottagekaren. Most SR plants are lovely but these did make me think twice about paying a premium price. Anyway, your post made me smile , so thankyou.
15 May, 2017
15 May, 2017
Previous question
Hi, I think I would send them back where they came from, they don't look anything like a moderately bushy evergreen shrub or shrubby perennial, and they don't look strong enough to support a plant that is going to grow to 3 or 4 ft high, they appear to me to have been 'forced' in a warm greenhouse, Derek.
15 May, 2017