By Jenko
United Kingdom
I have some hemerocallis 'Golden Chimes' in my garden. They were planted about 4 (maybe 5) years ago. Last year they hardly had any flowers so I thought the time to split them had come and I did it in autumn 2009. This year no flowers at all!! Help. I should say that I have a similar problem with Iris sibirica 'Shirley Pope' which I also divided last year. I'd be so grateful for any adivce or am I just being too impatient?
15 Aug, 2010
I wouldn't worry till next year - if you think about it, although you couldn't possibly have known it was going to happen, you divided them 1 or 2 months before the coldest winter we've had in a long time - hopefully, you'll have better results next year, now that the plants have had a chance to grow on.
17 Aug, 2010