By Allotment73
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me when is the best time to plant potato fruit.
15 Aug, 2010
If you really wanted to, you could extract the small seeds from potato fruits when ripe. They are a bit like tomato seeds. To germinate them I would guess they'd need the same treatment as tomatoes with plenty of warmth and sown in the spring.
After all the effort, you would end up with a small potato plant which would never produce more than a few unsubstantial tubers, which is why potatoes are grown from the small tubers kept by growers in areas free of virus the year before.
It would only be worth growing from real 'seed' if you had plans to produce your own varieties by breeding them in a greenhouse.
16 Aug, 2010
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You do not plant the fruits of potatoes you put them in your wheelie bin. You buy seed potatoes next year to grow your new crop.
16 Aug, 2010