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By Andrea

Yorkshire, United Kingdom pleased I have a meconopsis in full flower, and how beautiful it is. Question is what do I do next in order to keep the plant thriving? Advice appreciated.



Depends which one it is Andrea, did it come with a name, for example Meconopsis grandis? The majority of Mecs. are perennial, a few are biennial and some are monocarpic. This looks to be M. Lingholm which is a perennial - but that is a best guess there are so many of them and the Mec. Group keeps on adding to the list! Just out of curiosity do you have this outdoors or under glass?

20 May, 2017


Thank you, I don`t remember the name I`m afraid. I have it outdoors in a semi shaded area of my garden.

20 May, 2017


Did you see Gardeners World this week? Monty Don said that he has been trying for years to grow the Himalayan Meconopsis and only had success this year. So well done Andrea! Sorry I cannot answer your question. Ive looked into growing this plant but was put off by info saying it is very hatd to grow here.

20 May, 2017


Monty Don lives where it is far too hot and dry to grow Mecs. with any success, living where we do they are a doodle!

21 May, 2017


Thank you, I am sure it`s more luck than knowledge, but at the moment it is brightening up my day! I will catch up on gardeners world, sounds interesting.

21 May, 2017

How do I say thanks?

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