By Tracey53
United Kingdom
Ive just broght a gold dragon tree some of leaves are going brown do i cut them of if so whats nest way to do it
- 23 May, 2017
It might possibly have been shock from the change of conditions from wherever it was grown before you bought it too.
23 May, 2017
First, make sure that it is getting enough light: no direct sunlight, but within 2 meters of an unobstructed north window, in front of the window, not off to the side.
Next, check the watering: it likes to have the top cm or two of compost dry out between soakings.
If you use a pebble tray to improve the humidity, as Seaburngirl says, keep th water level low enough that it doesn't touch the bottom of the pot, since that will rot the roots.
It can go months without feeding, but sooner or later, it will need a good houseplant food, applied according to package directions.
As Seaburngirl also says, you can cut off brown tips at a natural-looking angle. If a whole leaf needs removal, leave a stub a cm or two long--it will eventually dry up, and can be peeled off easily, then.
24 May, 2017
welcome to GoY Tracey.
I'd cut the brown tips off with scissors and then make sure you keep the humidity high around the plant. regular misting with a hand spray. you could stand the pot on a tray of pebbles that you keep watered.
23 May, 2017