By Ostrich
East northants,
United Kingdom
This may be a repeat!! A late frost laid waste to several of my shrubs/plants including a maple I have in a container. It is several years old & was doing well until the frost, is there a chance it will recover? Also lost all budding rose buds on a climber...possibly a late flowering one so I am hoping for recovery there.
Any advice gratefully received.
26 May, 2017
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Does huny fungus grow above ground,or only under ground ?? »
Yes they should bounce back give them all a good water no feed , dont prune anything off just leave be and wait...
I would put the acer in a sheltered spot out of the wind in the shade
Same thing with me in the past with apple trees in full blossom and wisteria all ruined not one apple that year ...
26 May, 2017