By Brisar
United Kingdom
Something is destroying my lupins flowers, just leaving the stalk bare. Is it slugs or maybe rabbits? The same flower bed also has petunias which have been wrecked and dahlias and monbretia which are showing signs of being eaten too?
29 May, 2017
Thank you so much. Yes there was trouble almost as soon as they were planted. I will try some slug discouraging tactics.
29 May, 2017
You're welcome and good luck. I find coffee grinds work as a good barrier if you don't want to use pellets. The trick is to find the ones that are hiding in the plants and dispose of them first.
30 May, 2017
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Hello Brisar and welcome to GoY. Slugs adore lupins and it is generally difficult to keep them from destroying the plants even before they become established. Are the leaves also being eaten? And Has the damage only started recently or did they get eaten straight after you planted them? I would say it will be slugs unless you are suspicious that you have a rabbit which case it could well be those. Either way, you have a battle on your hands!
29 May, 2017