Wedding Bouquet Project April 2009
By Ladybirdkate
United Kingdom
Hello i would be delighted if anyone could give any advice or ideas on planning to grow flowers for my daughters Wedding bouquet April 2009
13 Aug, 2008
Thank you so much for your help and ideas i loved the contingency plan as the weather lately sure is strange. Maybe my roses might even bloom in April.
kind regards
14 Aug, 2008
In April there will be spring flowers, so you can go to the Garden Centre in a few weeks' time and choose the colours she would like, of Tulips and Narcissi. Plant them up as per the instructions and wait for them to grow! If I were you, I'd have contingency plans in case of strange weather - I would plant additional bulbs meant to flower earlier, plus some meant to flower later! How about that for covering all bases?
14 Aug, 2008