The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Debrah

kent, United Kingdom

Last year about this time one of my pyracanthas started losing its leaves, and ended up with no berries. It recovered with spring growth, but is now dropping leaves again - that are looking a bit yellow and blotchy. Any advice please?



Without a photo, its hard to be sure, but it could be a fungal infection known as pyracantha scab. Have a look here to see if the photo and description match what's happening to your plant

5 Jun, 2017


Could also be fire blight. Treat with a fungicide and cut out any dead. My understanding is that when people had coal fires the air became full of sulphur and that tended to cover many plants and acted as its own fungicide. Didn't do too much for our well being though.

6 Jun, 2017


Branches affected with fireblight normally don't recover, though new growth may fill in from below.

6 Jun, 2017

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