By Deadhead
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I have a Hydrandea which is now to big for the pot .My aim is to put it in the garden with other shrubs.When is the best time to do this.It is in a very sunny spot (and has done well) is a sunny position best for it to thrive?
17 Aug, 2010
i have one in a pot and its thriving but just has early morning sun, not all day, i need bigger pot now as no where to plant it lol
17 Aug, 2010
Thank you for helpful advice.I have a nice spot figured in main garden for it.
18 Aug, 2010
They usually like a little shade, they're woodland plants. Plant out late September or October - unless you're currently out of a drought situation, and you can ensure watering it well when it needs it until late autumn, when you can do it now.
17 Aug, 2010