United Kingdom
i have a plant growing that we cut back all the time and seems to put new shoots up all the time from under the ground
It has green leaves and woody stems we dont seem to be able to get rid of it any ideas
17 Aug, 2010
no there are no flowers on it thanks for trying :)
17 Aug, 2010
Why not post a picture of it, that way people might be able to help you.
17 Aug, 2010
thanks i will
17 Aug, 2010
Thought it may be a "Snowberry" the flowers are so tiny you may not have noticed them give it a google to see because the growing habit matches
17 Aug, 2010
I hope it's not japanese knotweed. Picture awaited.
17 Aug, 2010
Does it have teeny weeny pink flowers, then white berries in winter by any chance?
17 Aug, 2010