By Babru
United Kingdom
My Victoria plum tree is about 15 years old and has fruited successfully until this year, now some of the fruit is elongated and a khaki colour, in the fruit itself the stone is absent.Not all the fruit is affected, however the affected plums are distributed all over the tree. Is this a virus and if so can it be cured.

10 Jun, 2017
Yep, pocket plum, caused by a fungal infection. It overwinters on the spurs on the tree, so all affected fruits should be removed asap, preferably before they turn white. You may find there's no problem next year, or some might be affected again.
10 Jun, 2017
Previous question
« My little fusia just doesn't seem to be growing it has a few leaves on but is...
I have found an answer to my own question , the problem would appear to be PLUM POCKET, a fungus type disease, I got my answer here,
I include it to assist anyone else with this problem.
10 Jun, 2017