By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
does any one grow Watsonia pillansii? how hardy and should I lift it and keep it in the greenhouse overwinter?
I found it had been bought without any thought of where it was to go and if it is suitable for my garden. Now why did I do that?
Oh yes Burton Agnes plant fair at Burton Agnes east Yorkshire. near to Bridlington. it is on again tomorrow and I am manning the HPS stall across lunch time.
lots of interesting stalls if you are in the area.
- 10 Jun, 2017
thanks for that. so it will not go directly in my border but into a pot.
that's the trouble with impulse buys and it was only £2.50 and I couldn't resist.
I was very good today and only bought a polemonium and a hosta 'lime and lemon'
11 Jun, 2017
Previous question
Never grown it, but there is a big patch of it on a south facing walled garden at Powys Castle Gardens. they grow a lot of tenderish things in that area. Think it is probably a bit too tender for us here. Would imagine it would need Conservatory over winter in your area.
11 Jun, 2017