United Kingdom
Strawberry runners
Hi - anyone had experience propagating strawberry runners? Iv read on line about putting little pots of compost underneath runners and keeping them connected to the parent plant...... but can I cut them now and stick them in pots ready to plant out in autumn when Iv made space?
14 Jun, 2017
I would agree with Moon Grower. The runners need to establish roots into your pots of compost before cutting the stem connected to the parent plant. I've propagated my strawberries this way for a few years but this year's fruit yield is poor so far :(
14 Jun, 2017
If you really don't want to use the pots though you can always just let some root into the ground and move them in the autumn but you'd probably get better plants with pots of compost.
14 Jun, 2017
Agree. The runners will develop plantlettes. Once the plantlettes take root, you can cut from the mother plant.
15 Jun, 2017
Thanks a lot I'll keep them connected to the parent then!! Another job for the weekend :)
15 Jun, 2017
Depends how long it is since you put the pot of compost under them, remember the runner has got to establish roots before you remove from the parent.
14 Jun, 2017