By Betty_b
Norfolk, United Kingdom
Will pieris break from bare hard wood. Have two in tubs and the are fine at the top but so ugly underneath. If so, when is the best time. New growth was frosted but second flush of red just appearing.
- 16 Jun, 2017
I have pruned mine whenever the mood takes me and it has always grown back - but these prunings were never hard cut backs. If you want to do something now you could risk one or two branches but don't take them more than about half way down.
16 Jun, 2017
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Yes , they will but its all to do with the timing of when as you can not do now its too late , also yours are in tubs so they may need feeding.
I recently late March heavily pruned two of my friends , but then we covered in a double layer of fleece to protect the new buds that emerged , both are looking great.
16 Jun, 2017