United Kingdom
Hi everyone, some more plants for identification if you don't mind. I moved to a new house nearly a year ago and decided to leave the garden alone so I could see what is planted, and as you can see from my avatar I am fairly new to gardening, so I really need your help. Once I know the plants, I can start planning what to do. I really like this site and appreciate your help.

19 Jun, 2017
It is over six feet tall. Thank you for your help Bamboo.
20 Jun, 2017
Must be one of the Cotoneasters at that height - not sure which, can't see its growth habit.
20 Jun, 2017
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« Hello what is the best weed killer for mares tail please Thank you
The top one with yellow flowers is Sisyrinchium striatum, the second is the Philadelphus again, or another one as in your other question, and the third, well, not sure - it has the look of a Sarcococca variety, but could be one of the Cotoneasters - how tall is it?
20 Jun, 2017