By Callie1914
United Kingdom
Please could I have some ideas ,I have a border 7 meters by 1 meter,I would like to fill it with shrubs,I don't want it to get too high,what kind of shrubs would you suggest,and I would like evergreen if possible and maybe mixed.I quite like pruning so this wont be a problem.Thank you for any help you can give me.
19 Jun, 2017
Its in Sun Bamboo,and the house wall is at the back and a path at the front.
19 Jun, 2017
Heights of these vary, some are pretty low, so check 'em out - probably will look better with varying heights anyway. Some to be looking at : Helianthemum varieties, Nandina domestica 'Firepower', Spiraea 'Goldflame' (deciduous, but worth it), Hebe youngii, Yucca flaccida 'Golden Sword' (no, not the enormous one you see in lots of gardens, it only gets 2 feet high max) Heuchera 'Midnight Rose' or any of the purple leaved ones, Lavender 'Little Lady' (small variety), Cistus corbariensis. All are evergreen unless otherwise mentioned, none gets higher than 3-4 feet - best to map out what you'll plant where, or it'll just look like a row of random plants - if you can plan to use 2 of something, do so as a repeated theme or clustered together. 7 metres isn't much space; each plant will roughly need a metre of space over time, but check the ultimate spread as well as height before buying.
19 Jun, 2017
Thank you Bamboo that's a great help,I did think of repeating some of the ones I like,I will research the ones I do not know,thank you for your time,and expertise.
19 Jun, 2017
Have a look at Physocarpus. You can get dark red or lime green. They flower in spring.
20 Jun, 2017
Yes, nice deciduous shrubs, but they're not low growing or even medium growing Arbuthnot - ultimate height 3m, spread 2-4 metres.
20 Jun, 2017
Thank you for taking the time Arbuthnot,but it is only a small border.
20 Jun, 2017
In sun or shade? And what limits the width of the border from front to back, a path or a lawn?
19 Jun, 2017