By Loosestrife2
United States
How many of you think that a lawn mower plays a key role in the spread of weeds through seeds on the blades and body of the mower? I am thinking about the lawn service that hops from customer to customer never cleaning the mower off between jobs
20 Jun, 2017
I have seen nutsedge spread this way, and I would be surprised if other weeds weren't.
23 Jun, 2017
it is possible certainly but if it actually happens not sure.
most lawns get regularly mown before many plants growing in the sward would have set seed. is this linked too the 40yr old lawn and prunella infestation?
I wonder if the owner just hasn't noticed as they don't do their own maintenance.
people think we have a lush weed free lawn as it is nice and green. trust me it isn't all grass :o)
21 Jun, 2017