By Tryharder
United Kingdom
Hi there, help!!! All my runner bean flowers are falling off!! Plants look really healthy and I have also been feeding. Yellow flower variety if that is any help
29 Jun, 2017
Sounds as though they may not have been pollinated - we do have a shortage of pollinators. In spells of dry weather you could try spraying wth a fine jet of water in the evening.
29 Jun, 2017
yes, but not every last one of them Stera. You'd expect at least a couple to pollinate.
29 Jun, 2017
Have you had dry weather ? My father always sprayed runner beans with water in a dry spell. He used to say it prevented the flowers from falling off.
I don't know if a high nitrogen feed would cause the flowers to fall. It may cause the plant to produce lots of leaves and less flowers, but I don't think it would cause any flowers already there to fall off.
29 Jun, 2017
Beans have loads of flowers and have been watered regularly and given tomato feed 1-2 a wk. Will try spraying in the evening. Thanks
30 Jun, 2017
Once or twice a week? That's pretty heavy feeding for any plant. Most soluble foods should be applied about once every two to four weeks. Are these plants in pots? If so, how often do you water?
30 Jun, 2017
The big question is; What exactly have you been feeding them? My sense is that it's a nitrogen based fertilizer. That would cause lush green leafy growth & the plants to cast their blossoms. Hold off on that.
29 Jun, 2017