By Miniblakers
United Kingdom
ID please - is this Johns Wort or nightshade?
This is growing in a shaded area in the corner of my garden. I would really appreciate if someone could tell me what it is! Thank you in advance :-)
- 9 Jul, 2017
Welcome to GoY! Hywel is right. St John's Wort is a Wild Hypericum with a flower similar to yours, but yours is a cultivated form so it won't have the same medicinal properties as the wildflower.
9 Jul, 2017
Not related to Nightshade at all, as the others say. The name St. John's Wort originally meant a specific variety of Hypericum, but these days its often used for any variety of it. In America, all of the Hypericums are called St. John's Wort... This one might be Hypericum inodorum.
9 Jul, 2017
It's Tutsan, Hypericum androsaemum, and it is a St John's Wort. Birds often sow it in gardens for us.
9 Jul, 2017
Previous question
« ID Please. This has grown amongst a clump of montbretia.It's growing rapidly...
It's a Hypericum but I don't think it's St John's Wort. It looks like a shrub. I have a similar one in my garden but don't know the species.
St John's wort is a wild flower belonging to the same family.
It's a different family to Nightshade.
9 Jul, 2017