United Kingdom
Hi, we have just had our 35 year-old conifers removed and gained a lot more space in our back garden! I would like to make a flower border in the space gained but, being partially disabled, want to make it as low care and low cost as poss. The earth where the trees were is very poor and I would welcome any tips as to how I can enrich the soil without too much digging and cost.
Thanks in advance
10 Jul, 2017
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If you are disabled, it might be worth considering making the investment and having a raised bed to make gardening easier. If that's not an option, then you can order in a supply of composted manure, and just spread it over the area, leaving it to work itself in over time rather than digging it in. The trouble with that is, weeds wil grow in the meantime while you wait, so really its better to dig the area over (or pay someone to do it), incorporating composted manure, level off and plant up. Low maintenance planting is basically shrubs, with perhaps a few herbaceous perennials here and there. Which specific plants to recommend depends on the aspect (north, south whatever) sun or shade, where you are in the UK, and the width and length of the area.
10 Jul, 2017