By Wannabe7
United States
can anyone tell me a successful potting mix for gunnera manicata in a pot? I have tried many with no success. the soil drains well, yet the plant has rotted. help!
11 Jul, 2017
Given the size that gunnera manicata grows to I can't personally see how you expect to grow in a pot. Its natural environment is growing beside, and often partially in, running water.
11 Jul, 2017
Welcome to GoY, Wannabe!
What part of the U.S. are you gardening in? If your summer nights are too warm, Gunneras will rot no matter what you do. Also, it is a semi-aquatic plant, and needs ample water, especially in containers. If allowed to dry out too much, it will rot when water is restored, because of root damage.
11 Jul, 2017